
--- Normal -------------------

--- People -------------------

------------------------ Sally

----------------------- Rooney



Read: April 21, 2020

Rating: 3/5


I wasn't too emotionally invested into Sally Rooney's 'Normal People', especially because it was hard to really see what was going through Connor's and Marianne's minds. I felt as if the characters were a little detached from the readers, and there were some sideline figures that weren't contributive to the overall plot or development of the two protagonists. I felt this way about Lorraine (Connor's mother), who is a recurring character in the novel, but who ultimately has no role in his growth or apprehension for/fear of life. Not a lot of background is given on the personal traumas the two characters must deal with, so I wasn't understanding of their setbacks and struggles. Even still, the book overall was a pretty lightweight read and still enticing enough for me to finish relatively quickly. Though 'Normal People' isn't classified as 'Young Adult', the writing style and themes of it really push it to that category for me. In all honestly, I don't really understand the enamor surrounding this book as it was a very subpar read for me with little to no emotional significance.